Frequently Asked Questions for Associates

Get in touch and let us know you are interested in joining by completing the New Associate Application Form here.

  1. Clodagh Judge will contact you and walk you through the process, while answering any questions you may have
  2. Pay the lifetime submission after which an invoice will be issued for your records
  3. Accept invitation to join LinkedIn Private Group
  4. You will be added to the AuxiliaGroup mail distribution list
  5. You will be invited to register with the AuxiliaGroup associate mobile app which is our main communications vehicle with our associates
  6. You will be invited to attend Associate Events

Yes, in short, the ideal set up is that you are a director of your limited liability company.

It is also possible to operate effectively as a Sole Trader although there may be limitations as a result.

*We can offer advice on this area should you require same

No. AuxiliaGroup does not employ people. We place our associates in client companies to carry out contracted work.

Yes. This is a requirement from most companies working on contract for another company.

*We can offer advice on this area should you require same.

Not at the outset. This requirement will arise when we assign a piece of work to you. If the end customer provides their own T&C’s, we will flow these down to you. In the absence of customer T&C’s, we use a standard contract that ensures all parties are protected.

The end customer may also require an NDA.

  1. Allows you to concentrate on your current assignment while the team at AuxiliaGroup look to generate your next piece of work.
  2. Allows you the opportunity to choose your assignments from those on offer.
  3. You leverage off all the promotional activities of the group.
  4. You can promote yourself through your contributions and social media engagements.
  5. Gives your customer access to a growing network of experienced professionals to supplement and compliment you. You begin to become your customer’s trusted advisor by being able to fulfill a wider set of needs from within AuxiliaGroup’s network.

The network operates most effectively when Associates promote AuxiliaGroup services and capabilities in  the following ways:

  • Be active in generating opportunities and introductions (you can earn a 10% referral commission for business won)
  • Utilise the strengths of the network and its ability to generate opportunities from our thousands of contacts.
  • Support the growth and evolution of AuxiliaGroup, engage and participate in various forums, events, surveys etc.
  • Engage and contribute to our social media communications.
  • Be an ambassador for AuxiliaGroup.

No. You continue to run you own business, find work for yourself and pick and choose what assignments you prefer.

Clearly, we would hope that when you do not have the capacity or capability to preform work yourself that you will pass it on to us at AuxiliaGroup so that a colleague can benefit today, while that will be reciprocated tomorrow.

We actively seek out opportunities for our network members by leveraging all of our connections. When you become aware of an opportunity that you are unable to deliver on yourself, you can pass it on to AuxiliaGroup where we can assign to a peer member. The managing partners leverage their own wide network to generate opportunities.

We have ongoing sales and marketing activities and initiatives to drive brand awareness and sales.

The strength of the network is in leveraging all our connections for the benefit of all. It’s a quid pro quo, your lead becomes a network peer’s opportunity and visa versa.

We also provide a financial incentive for any successful referrals.

LinkedIn is an increasingly useful tool and it is advisable to maintain an up-to-date profile for yourself.

Customers can and will refer to LinkedIn to assess a person’s suitability.

You can also stay connected to the network via the private LinkedIn group.

LinkedIn is also a convenient database in itself and a means for interacting with each other, at no cost.

The AuxiliaGroup associate app is one of the primary communication tools with our associates.

It is where we post all new opportunities.

The app hosts various content for your information, and to share with your network.

You can also refer potential customers to AuxiliaGroup partners on the app very easily.

An important first step is the Associate on-boarding process with Clodagh Judge, our Head of Operations. Through this process we collect all your relevant information, including your preferences, and save it to a CRM database.

You can update your preferences or add to your bio at any time.

We also look to verify the quality of the work you do by asking you to provide a reference with whom we can talk

For work you carry out on behalf of AuxiliaGroup, you will raise and submit an invoice to AuxiliaGroup.

AuxiliaGroup will in turn invoice the client, which will include our margin.

Our terms are 30 days from receipt of invoice.

We commit to paying the associate within three days of us receiving payment from the client company.

Our margins and market rates are competitive and attractive to both customers and our Associates.