AuxiliaGroup Lifetime Membership

Have you completed our application form? You can now pay your once-off Lifetime Membership fee online here

By registering with AuxiliaGroup, we can find your next project, allowing you to focus solely on your current engagement. Our customer base includes pharma, technology, retail, supply chain, FMCG; from SME's to corporates. We know your worth and we ensure your full value is realised financially.

Your membership of AuxiliaGroup includes:

AuxiliaGroup have a robust marketing plan and the team are focuses on attracting new roles on an ongoing basis.

You’ll be invited to join our regular in person and virtual events.

You are welcome to contribute to blogs, articles, webinars & podcasts.

You will receive regular updates via email, on our private linked group or via our dedicated APP of all new assignments.


(€233.70 including VAT)